Emergency Phone Response, Dispatch, and Monitoring Services

Firetruck driving fast down city street

TAS-PAGE Communications provides emergency response and safety phone services 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, and 365 days a year. We have extensive experience in emergency response, and our call centre is backed up 24/7 by a generator. Answering, dispatching and documenting emergency calls has been a priority for our contact centre for over 40 years!

Our system can seamlessly integrate with 911 systems.

  • Someone calls 911 to report a fire
  • Fire calls redirect downstream to TAS-PAGE operators
  • TAS-PAGE examines the callers address and phone number
  • TAS-PAGE dispatches the proper fire station
  • Fire fighter’s check-in during the fire via phone or pager to TAS-PAGE
  • TAS-PAGE continues to monitor the situation as more inbound calls come in reporting the same fire


Permission to Burn Reporting

As part of our emergency and safety services offered to fire departments, TAS-PAGE can receive, report, and keep track of citizens calling for permission to burn. Please contact us to inquire about this service.